Catching up!

Most of my year has been spent focused on the novel I started in February! I finished the first draft last week, and am letting it rest before jumping into revisions. In the meantime…

* The poetry magazine I co-edit with Mat Joiner released its amazing first issue! We’re reading now for issue #2.

* My story “Becca at the End of the World” got an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s Year’s Best Horror! And it’s been reprinted in Zombies: More Recent Dead, edited by Paula Guran.

* Sales! My short story “Never Chose This Way” will appear in Apex Magazine next year. And two poems: “The Binding” to Lakeside Circus, and “Four Chambers” to Mythic Delirium.

* I did some interviews, and a guest post at SF Signal about Liminality.

I hope to write some short fiction and poetry in the very near future, and plan to have the novel revised by the end of the year! And that’s what’s up over here.

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